Our business is Water; Reuse & Utility Infrastructure.

In addition to the services briefly described in previous pages—JCEA offers a comprehensive list of professional services related to utility engineering. These services include the following:

Service List

¨ Procurement & Implementation of SRF and Grant/Loans

¨ Small Community Utility Assistance

¨ Regulatory Compliance Services

¨ Reuse Feasibility Studies

¨ Reuse Permitting

¨ Consumptive or Water Use Permit

¨ FDOT Permitting

¨ SJRWMD Permitting

¨ DEP Operating and Construction Permits

¨ Operation and Maintenance Performance Reports

¨ Capacity Analysis Reports

¨ NPDES Permitting

¨ Water Quality

¨ Wastewater Residuals Management

¨ GIS Utility Mapping

¨ Construction Administration Services

¨ Private utility evaluations and purchase negotiations

¨ Development Review (Utility)

¨ Financial and Strategic Master Planning

¨ Various Engineering Studies